Born in Madrid in 1953, I lived in Ronda (Malaga, Spain) between 1993 and 2012.
I studied at the Arts and Crafts School in Madrid.
I have worked as an illustrator for various Spanish newspapers and magazines: ABC, Blanco y Negro, Cambio 16, Nuevo Estilo, Telva, and Sarpe.
As a ceramist, I have participated in several collective exhibitions and contests:
In Spain:
- Madrid: Palacio del Conde Duque (1991), Casa de Vacas - Parque del Retiro (1987), Casa del Reloj (1983), Sala de Arte Caja Madrid (1977-91), Sala de Arte Circulo Catalán (1990); Centro Cultural de Alcobendas (1988); Centro Cultural de Alcorcón (1988); Centro Cultural de Fuenlabrada (1983-84);
- Alcora (Castellón): Museo de la Cerámica (1987, 1990-2000);
- Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) (1983, 1989-90, 1996-97);
- Zaragoza: Museo Pablo Gargallo (1991);
- Santiago de Compostela: Museo do Povo Galego (1990);
- Jaén: Palacio de Villadompardo (1990-91, 2002, 2009-11).
- Malaga: Various itinerant exhibitions in the province of Malaga (Nómadas-Entreplantas) (2000-01); Palacio Episcopal (2001), Sala Alameda (2005), Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares (2011); Palacio de Mondragón in Ronda (2001-06).
- Sevilla: Golf Club (2003);
- Cádiz: Solo Exhibition Neilson Gallery in Grazalema (2003); Centro Cultural Unicaja (2012);
- Valladolid: Sala Revilla (2006);
- Marratxi (Mallorca): Museu del Fang (2010);
- Almería: Centro Cultural Unicaja (2012).
In Portugal: Chamber of Commerce of Aveiro (2005);
In Japan:
- Contemporary Crafts Museum in Nakatomi (Yamanashi);
- Fuji International Ceramics Biennial (as a Guest Artist) (November 2000-April 2004 and November 2006);
- Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Ueno Park);
- The 40th Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts (March 2001),
- Shibukawa Museum in Gunma (July-August 2004).
Manager-Coordinator of the Art Meetings in Valle del Genal-Genalguacil (Malaga, Spain) from 1994 to 2004.
Designer and creator of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Genalguacil, Phase 1.
Curator of the exhibition “12 Spanish and Japanese Ceramic Artists”, Palacio de Mondragón, Ronda (Málaga, Spain).
- First National Ceramics Award, Unicaja (2009);
- First National Ceramics Award, Caja de Jaén, Jaén (2002);
- First National Ceramics Award, Ciudad de Talavera, Talavera de la Reina (1997);
- First National Ceramics Award, Caja de Jaén, Jaén (1991);
- Special Mention at the VII International Ceramics Biennial of Aveiro (Portugal) (2005);
- Special Mention, National Ceramics Awards, Caja de Jaén, Jaén (1990);
- Rei en Jaume Award for Best Mural, National Contest, Alcora (Castellón) (1990);
- Environmental Sculpture Award, City Council of Ronda (1997);
- People’s Choice Award, National Contest, Alcora (2000).
- Main lobby of the City Hall of Fuengirola (Malaga, Spain);
- The Heart of Soquel Park, Soque, California, USA.
- Public fountain at Carmen Abela Square, in Ronda (Malaga, Spain);
- Monument to Historical Memory at the main square of Olvera (Cadiz, Spain);
- Public fountains and other sculptures, Museo al Aire Libre in Genalguacil (Malaga, Spain);
- Three works at the Centro de Convenciones IFEJA, Jaén (Spain);
- Art Fund Unicaja Banco, (Malaga, Spain)
- Two works at the Museo de la Cerámica in Alcora (Castellón, Spain);
- Ceramic School of Talavera de la Reina (Toledo, Spain);
- Monument to Historical Memory, Cuevas del Becerro (Malaga, Spain);
- Three works at the Contemporary Crafts Museum in Nakatomi (Japan).
After moving from Spain to California in September 2012, I have continued my career in ceramic sculpture at Studio 120 of the TANNERY ARTS CENTER, 1050 River Street, Santa Cruz, California.
My new creations can be seen at the studio and during First Fridays/Saturdays and other Tannery special events.
In 2018 I set up my own Studio in Royal Oaks CA.
I am also participating in:
- September, 2013: Demonstration with audience participation at Cera-A-Rama, Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center;
- October 2013: OPEN STUDIOS Art Tour - Arts Council Santa Cruz County - artist 109.
- May 2014: Santa Cruz Clay, Bargetto Winery.
- November 2013 to June 2014: As a volunteer, development of a ceramics project (collective mural and sculptures) at Watsonville Charter School of the Arts.
- October 2014: OPEN STUDIOS Art Tour - Arts Council Santa Cruz County - artist 166.
- Since December 2014, several of my works are exhibited in Ventana Gallery, Big Sur.
- May 2015: After a call for tender, it has been appointed by the Board of Supervisors for Santa Cruz to create a public art component for a new park in Soquel Village. The Heart of Soquel public art Project. County of Santa Cruz.
- May 2015 Santa Cruz Clay - Bargetto Winery.
- June 2015 Ventana Artists Showcase. Ventana Gallery - Big Sur, CA
- October 2015: OPEN STUDIOS Art Tour - Arts Council Santa Cruz County
- May 2016 Solo Exhibition.Annand Gallery- Pacific Grove Art Center. Pacific Grove CA
- Since October 2019, Permanent Exhibition in Hawthorne Gallery. in Big Sur. CA, To the present.
In 2022 I return to Spain to my Home-Studio in La Cimada in Ronda (Malaga) Spain.
- Since October 2022, Permanent Exhibition in Tamisa Gallery. in Mijas (Malaga) Spain. To the present.
- August 2022, I Mostra DÄrt Contemporani International. EART & SOUL Ciutat de Tarragona. Tarragona Spain.
- September 2022, Natalia Ferré Gallery, Montblanc, (Tarragona) Spain
- October 2023 Collective Rondarte, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos C.S.D. Ronda (Malaga) Spain.
- February 2024, Collective Rondarte, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos C.S.D. Ronda (Malaga) Spain.
- April 2024 Collective Rondarte, Centro Cultural "El Convento" Gaucín (Málaga) Spain
- May 2024 Collective Sculpture, Real Club de Golf. Sevilla, Spain.
- September 2024 Collective Rondarte, Sala de Exposiciones "Antiguo Ayuntamiento" Arriate (Málaga) Spain.
P.O.Box 2800, Watsonville 95077 CA. USA
Carretera Ronda-Setenil 22 La Cimada- Ronda (Malaga) SPAIN